Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I've been practicing my jumping in Sweden

The continuing story of my travels will continue on the next post, for now check out some sweet jumps that I've been working on with Elin, my Swedish jumping instructor. 

Paris, Bikes, and Something Spooky

You've probably seen pictures of Paris. Maybe even been to here. But here are some more pictures, why not?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

News: I Am Having A Good Time

Hello and welcome to a quick update from a tiny house in a tiny village in a country with very large abilities to have a good time. Cheese? Check. Wine? Check. Beach? Lake? Vaudevillians? Check, check, and check. I know that many have concerns that I may not be having a good time. Let me assure you, it is just not the case.

(Translated from French) Alice? Are we all having a good time? I don't think so. 

Are you kidding? Fuck yeah!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hanging Out With The Locals.

Salutations, Brigade!

I'm coming to you from Prailles, a tiny French village just outside of Geneva, Switzerland. I last wrote from a different small French village just outside of Geneva. That week was spent with the Kenny Clan, and ended with Pat and I taking a tour of the CERN underground.